Resultado de imagen para CLIMATE CHANGE

In order to predict climate changes that occurred in the future, it is necessary to investigate and know about the changes of the past, I say climate change of the past because climate change has always existed, only that we humans are accelerating this fact 

Some thousand years ago, Europe enjoyed several centuries of rather high average temperatures. At that time, called "Warm Medieval period ", flourished agriculture in places like Greenland 
Imagen relacionada

Another of the lower temperatures happened to this period, especially in the northern European areas. Although it cannot be considered an ice age as such, it is known as the ' small Ice Age ' 

Resultado de imagen de warm medieval period

We are currently living a kind of time similar to the "Warm Medieval period" so scientists can deduce, we may also live a 'small Ice Age'  

Climate change: important envents in science 

Since the late nineteenth century scientists have been observing a change in climate that can not be attributed solely to any of the "natural" influences of the past. This change in climate, also called global warming, has occurred faster than any other climate change that has been recorded. 
Below Ishow you the most important events in the history of the science of Climate Change:  
  • 1712 - A British ironmonger, Thomas Newcomen invents the first steam engine used, paving the way for the industrial revolution and the industrial use of coal. 
  • Resultado de imagen de thomas newcomen

  •  1800 - The world population reaches one billion 

  • 1824 - The French physicist Joseph Fourier described for the first time the natural "greenhouse effect" of the Earth 
  • Resultado de imagen de joseph fourier

  • 1989 - Carbon emissions from the burning of fossil fuels and industry reach six billion tons per year 

  • 2007 - The IPCC and former US Vice President Al Gore receives the Nobel Peace Prize "for their efforts to build and disseminate greater knowledge about climate change by man, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are necessary to counteract that change 
  • Resultado de imagen de al gore

  • 2011 -  A new analysis of the Earth's temperature records by scientists worried  
  • about the accusations «ClimateGate» shows the Earth's surface really has warmed up over the last century 

  • 2015 - In December 2015, the 21st edition of the climate summit will be held in Paris. It is expected to be the final date for 
  • global agreement for the reduction of greenhouse gases, with the main objective of limiting the increase in global temperature by less than 2º C. 
Resultado de imagen de greenhouse effect

Climate change: 'see' the future looking to the past 
It's a matter of perspective. It is necessary to look back, hundreds, thousands or millions of years, to really understand what is happening to our planet today, immersed in a Global      Change motivated by human activity. Our ability to anticipate the future and prepare for the changes that will come is based on physical and mathematical models that take the past into account. 
During the last decades we have verified the existence of changes on a planetary scale that have led to global warming, biodiversity losses due to the extinction of species, the destruction of habitats, the alteration of nitrogen and phosphorus cycles, etc.  
. In all these processes, the footprint of human activity is evident, either through changes in land use, urbanization, use of natural resources or through changes in climate dynamics 

Climate change: changes in the history 

Throughout history we can find many changes such as the temperature of the atmosphere 
 His color coded map shows a progression of changing global surface temperatures since 1884. Dark blue indicates areas cooler than average. Dark red indicates areas warmer than average. You can find it more in detail  here

let's learn a little more!
Here are some videos that may interest you


Made by: Coral Cañizares, Adriá Martinez, Nuria Porras, Nerea Titos

IES Alba Longa 2019


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